Should You Buy a 5G Phone in 2021 - Users Opinion

In 2021 many popular smartphone brands launched their 5G phone in India. For this reason many smartphone users are confused whether it will be right to buy a 5G phone now or not. So, In this post we will know the users opinion to this question.

Should You Buy a 5G Phone Now or Not ?

5G Phones

Now coming to the point that " Should you buy a 5G phone now or not ? " So, first of all we will talk about 5G Sim (5G Network Provider) . In india , Currently 5G is on trial stage. And statistics and estimates suggest that it may take 1 to 3 years for 5G to become fully operational in India. So, you may have to wait 1 to 3 years to use 5G network.

Above we discussed about 5G network. Now let's talk about what people or smartphone users think about it ? Recently, In an opinion poll published on Youtube by the TechBar Youtube Channel . It was seen that 75% of the smartphone users said or suggested that 5G will come late in India , So for now , People should have to buy 4G phone with better specifications. But at the same time 25% of smartphone users said or suggested that people should buy 5G phone .

In comment, a user writes that - Stable 5G network would take around 1 - 1.5 years. Until then, A 4G phone is better option for those having a budget of around 15K - 20K. People having budget of 25K - 40K, should buy a 5G phone if they travel a lot and requires high bandwidth. For premium segment users, Apple and Samsung would provide the best 5G phone to use it for next 3 - 4 years.

Some users writes that if you use wi-fi then 4G or 5G phone will not change or affect your internet using experience. While some writes that we have to wait until 5G becomes stable. 

Conclusion - So, the conclusion is that it depends on your budget (price range), Internet uses, Smartphone uses and also on your choice that ' You should have to buy a 5G phone in 2021 or not '.